We are not currently recruiting participants for any studies, but please check back soon for new opportunities!
Puppy Development Video Project
This study is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summer of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
A survey about companion rabbit ownership experiences
This survey is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
Management of breeding dogs and puppies in Canada and the United States
These surveys are now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
Animal Care Organization Survey about Domestic Rabbits
This survey is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
Companion Rabbit Survey – the good, the bad, and the ugly!
This survey is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
A community science approach to understanding kitten behaviour
This survey is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
Identification of Kitten Behaviour
This survey is now closed! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.
Cat Owner Petting Project
This project is now complete! Thank you very much to everyone who participated, and we will post a summary of the results to our website and to our Facebook page once the project is complete.